How to Be Happy – Top 10 Online Resources
We did a quick search online for resources on ‘how to be happy’ and found the following list. We hope you will find it useful as we have.
Top 10 Useful Online Resources on How to be Happy
Top 5 Online Resources on How to be Happy
- WikiHow: How to be happy
- 10 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Incredibly Happy
- Lifehacker: Want to be happier? Stop doing these 10 things right now
- Mayo Clinic: How to be happy: Tips for cultivating contentment
- The Guardian: How to be happy series
And there is more, 5 more online resources on How to be Happy
- Real Simple: 10 ways to be happier
- WebMD: Choosing to be Happy
- Mail Online: 12 secrets of being happy: Using research from 100 world experts, a new book shows how to look on the bright side
- Roger Darlington: How to be happy
- Psychologies: TEST – Do you know how to be happy?
The 128 Steps to Be Happy
So here is a quick look at what to expect from the resources above. Simply click on any of the links below to visit the pages and read the full description there. Some of these may appear more than once but they each have its own angle as according to the author.
- Be Optimistic
- Follow your guts
- Own yourself
- Make enough money to meet basic needs – food shelter and clothing
- Treat your body like it deserves to be happy
- Stay close to friends and family
- Be compassionate
- Have deep, meaningful conversations
- Find happiness in the job you have now
- Smile
- Forgive
- Make friends
- Exercise: 7 Minutes Could Be Enough
- Sleep More: You’ll Be Less Sensitive to Negative Emotions
- Spend More Time With Friends/Family
- Get Outside More: Happiness is Maximised at 57 degrees
- Help Others: 100 Hours a Year is the Magic Number
- Practice Smiling: Reduce Pain, Improve Mood, Think Better
- Plan a Trip: It Helps Even if You Don’t Actually Take One
- Meditate: Rewire Your Brain for Happiness
- Move Close to Work: A Short Commute is Worth More Than a Big House
- Practice Gratitude: Increase Happiness and Satisfaction
- Getting Older: Will Actually Make You Happier
- Stop Blaming*
- Stop Impressing*
- Stop Clinging*
- Stop Interrupting*
- Stop Whining*
- Stop Controlling*
- Stop Criticising*
- Stop Preaching*
- Stop Dwelling*
- Stop Fearing* featured on both LifeHacker and
- Devoting time to family and friends
- Appreciating what they have
- Maintaining an optimistic outlook
- Feeling a sense of purpose
- Living in the moment
- Invest in Relationships
- Express Gratitude
- Cultivate Optimism
- Find Your Purpose
- Live in the Moment
- Don’t start with profundities
- Do let the sun go down on anger
- Fake it till you feel it
- Realise that anything worth doing is worth doing badly
- Don’t treat the blues with a “treat”
- Buy some happiness
- Don’t insiste on the best
- Exercise to boost energy
- Stop nagging
- Take action
- Don’t Worry, Choose Happy
- Cultivate Gratitude
- Foster Forgiveness
- Counteract Negative Thoughts and Feelings
- Remember, Money Can’t Buy Happiness
- Foster Friendship
- Engage in Meaningful Activities
- Accept What You Have
- Enjoy What You Do
- Live for Today
- Choose Happiness
- Relationships
- Stay Busy
- Don’t Compare
- Be Yourself
- Stop Worrying
- Get Organised
- Think Positive
- Value Happiness
- Be realistic
- Happiness is a state of mind
- Be as healthy as you can
- Live with a partner whom you love and respect and who feels the same about you
- Have a son or daughter
- Have a cat or dog
- Keep in close touch with relatives and a small circle of friends
- Don’t be afraid to remove negative people from your life
- Smile a lot
- Laugh a lot
- Say what you mean and mean what you say
- Be politely assertive
- Get things off your chest
- Don’t procrastinate
- Give lots of compliments
- Give small gifts to your friends
- Perform act of kindness anonymously
- Prepare a list of the presents you’d like
- Spend less than you earn
- Use your credit card as convenient way to pay not as credit
- Don’t borrow and don’t lend money
- Don’t gamble
- Give regularly to charities of your choice
- Get your hair done
- Surround yourself with pleasant smells
- Stay close to nature
- Spend a little time observing the night sky
- Read a quality newspaper on a daily basis
- Take a weekly or monthly magazine
- Read regularly and widely
- Listen to some rousing music
- Have a favourite television programme
- Watch “It’s a Wonderful Life”
- Go out and see a good movie
- Treat yourself often to something cheap and cheerful
- Cultivate a few favourite places to eat and drink outside the home
- Stretch yourself physically
- Stretch yourself mentally
- Stretch yourself geographically
- Do something you’ve not done before
- Do something creative
- Join a group with purpose that meets regularly
- Take regular holidays in different countries
- Keep a gratitude journal
- Keep a diary
- Take lots of photos
- Have a political vision (optional)
- Have a religious faith (optional)
- Arrange strong IT support (unless you are into IT)
- Deal with difficult problems, imagine how you will feel next week, month or year
- Take yourself to a mental safe place
- Remember it could be a lot worse
- Respect yourself
- Regularly use affirmative statements
- Compliment others often: say or do something nice for somebody
- Spread the good news: as soon as something good happens, share it with somebody else
We leave you with this song from Pharrell Williams
Remember to Be Happy, Stay Happy