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  1. Sue Neal
    February 4, 2014 @ 2:32 pm

    Hi Li-Ling,

    I love the message you’re conveying in this post. Learning to have control over my own feelings is something I’ve been working on a lot in recent years, helped in great part by the teachings of Anthony de Mello – I’ve found his Awareness teachings very powerful – challenging, but inspirational. I’m familiar with the story of the two monks, but haven’t heard it for a while, and enjoyed reading it again.

    It gives us a great sense of freedom when we wake up to the fact that other people can’t control our emotions – that it’s all down to the choices we make for ourselves.


    • Li-ling
      February 4, 2014 @ 2:51 pm

      Hello Sue, thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your story and experience. I had forgotten that I too have loved Anthony de Mello books (among them The Song of the Bird, The Prayer of the Frog) and have been reading them since very young. They were so precious that I eventually bought my own copies, but had completely forgotten about them, so thank you again for reminding me.

      You are so completely right in the way you describe the freedom in realising that no one but ourselves are responsible for how we feel, the challenge is in the practise and slowly slowly, we will get there. 🙂

      Take care


  2. Charmie
    April 2, 2014 @ 10:28 am

    Charity begins from home and so does the happiness which begins from ourselves. We are the creator of our own circumstances. I am actually a strong follower of LOA and I believe each word said in it.
    Thanks for sharing such beautiful thoughts.


    • Li-ling
      April 4, 2014 @ 10:16 am

      Charmie, I’m glad you enjoyed this article. You are absolutely right that we are in complete control of our experiences and circumstances, sometimes we forget just how powerful we really are. But, it’s ok to forget, because when we remember – it is all the more amazing! Thanks for stopping by.


  3. 2 Ways of Dealing with Negative People | Be Happy HQ
    April 17, 2014 @ 4:04 pm

    […] The Power of Choice in How We Feel […]


  4. charmie8292
    June 1, 2014 @ 4:22 pm

    When you are in the mode of best feelings the universe will lead you towards more of the good and it gets multiplied and hence your feelings takes you towards the happiness. Feelings are thee major cause of what you are and what can you achieve in life.
    Practising the gratitude is the best way to uplift your feelings.


    • Li-ling
      June 2, 2014 @ 10:29 am

      The state of mind in which we find ourselves has a huge amount of influence on how we see the rest of the world around us. Being grateful certainly creates a very positive feeling within. Thank you for stopping by Charmie.


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