The Magic of Snow
It’s snowing here today where I am, and as I sit and write this post, I am so grateful to work from home. But more than that, seeing the soft fluffy white stuff, always puts a smile on my face. I love snow!

Speak Gently With Yourself
The world we live in today is one in which we are constantly bombarded by messages of short-comings and lack.

Practising Gratitude
I’m sure you’ve all heard the maxim “Be grateful” and I know that sometimes, it just seems SO HARD to find something for which to be grateful. I know I’ve been there too. Times when everything just seems to go wrong, or when there’s just so much going on that you don’t know how you’re […]

4 Simple Steps to a Successful Life
What does a Successful Life mean to you? If you had asked me ten years ago what a successful life was, without hesitation I would have told you that it meant living in a multi-million pound mansion, driving that fancy car, endless holidays abroad, flying first class (or in a private jet!), shopping without having […]

One Wish for the World
I was recently asked be the lovely Michelle Holmes of Visionary Voices, what was the one wish I had for everyone in the World. Thankfully it wasn’t too hard for me to answer the question. What do you think my wish was? And more importantly, if you had just One wish for the World what would […]

Inspiration in words – Desiderata
For as long as I can remember, words have held a special place for me none more so than this poem, the Desiderata. Although many versions of this prose poem have often been attributed to an Anonymous writer, according to Wikipedia it’s original author is Max Ehrmann. I hope that it’s message may speak to […]