4 Essential Steps to Manifesting that ‘The Secret’ Left Out
When it first emerged, the book and film ‘The Secret’ made waves and brought the principles and ideology of the Law of Attraction to the main stream. In the process, it made Rhonda Byron a very wealthy woman. While the ideas and principles behind this fascinating philosophy are not new, the ability to translate mere […]

Best Free Scroll Triggered Pop-up Box Plugins – Get it up under 2 minutes
Knowing what we know about Pop-Ups and its effectiveness in building a list from the visitors to the website, we started to look at scroll triggered Pop-Up boxes. While we have been convinced about the effectiveness of pop-ups, we have always been somewhat hesitant to embrace it completely as it always seemed too annoying, that is […]

Best Laptop Tray and Mounting Kit for Cars: Steering wheel work tray
If you are like me, always travelling and moving in my car or you do mostly field work, being on the road most of the time and take your laptop with you, here is what you mobile workers need.

The Luxury of A ‘Life Purpose’
Perhaps it’s that time of the year again, or more likely I’ve just gotten more in tune with these messages but it seems that nearly every where I turn, there’s yet another message of ‘answering the call’ to your life’s purpose.

How to Sell Without Marketing
Marketing is a word that raises a range of emotions within me – on one hand it invokes the feelings of frustration and annoyance thinking about pushy sales people and cold callers; on the other hand it reminds me that marketing is one of the best ways of sharing our gifts with the world. And of […]

The 6 Step Process of Creativity
Why being creative is a process and How you can get there too. We live in a society that has pigeon-holed each person in to either a ‘creative’ or a ‘analytical-logical’ person, and it appears that almost all of us have bought in to this belief.

How to Make Money with Google AdSense
When we first stated dabbling in online businesses, we were very much taken by Google Adsense . What particularly appealed to us was how everyone recommended this as a great source of income, especially if you own high traffic websites.

Use a Quiz to Engage Your Audience and Learn More About Them
You know how we feel about list building, see Building a List vs Building a Community. Instead of just giving things away for free, e-books, reports, webinar recordings, cheat sheets, take the opportunity to engage your audience in a meaningful way and get tonnes of feedback and value in the process.

Building a List vs. Building a Community
Every marketer will tell you the importance of building a list but here, we think a little differently.

Start a Video Channel Online to Make Money
We wrote about generating a passive income from creating your very own video channel and here, we are following up with the quick steps to get on the video blogging bandwagon.
6 Simple Steps to Getting Out of the ‘…BUT I’m not an Expert’ trap
There are experts and then there are the rest of us. Us who don’t believe we are good enough or know enough to share or teach what we think we know.
A Passive Income From Your Very Own Video Channel
Do you love the idea of being in front of the camera? Are you happy to share your expertise, skills, and thoughts or simply to create entertaining content?