Goals or No Goals
As we usher in the New Year, new goals, new resolutions, new beginnings… all the order of the day, at the start of a brand new year. In recent times though, there have been rumblings against the purpose of having goals. A couple of months ago Dilbert’s Scott Adams’ wrote in the Wall Street Journal – about the […]

The Truth About Confidence and How To Find Yours
Confidence (or the belief in one’s own abilities, self-belief) is often the only limiting factor between starting out on a brand new, exciting path or staying stuck in what’s painful yet familiar. It is that fine line that separates the can-dos from the wannabes and often the only major limiting factor on the road to […]

The Truth About Confidence and How to Find Yours
Confidence (or the belief in one’s own abilities, self-belief) is often the only limiting factor between starting out on a brand new, exciting path or staying stuck in what’s painful yet familiar. It is that fine line that separates the can-dos from the wannabes and often the only major limiting factor on the road to […]

Goals or No Goals
Happy New Year 2014! As we usher in the New Year, new goals, new resolutions, new beginnings… all the order of the day, at the start of a brand new year. In recent times though, there have been rumblings against the purpose of having goals.

What a Passive Income really means
The term Passive Income has been bandied around constantly in recent times and it is one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted terms online.

Top Marketing Channels in 2014
Here is another set of numbers from a survey carried out by GlobalSpec’s 2013 Trends in Industrial Marketing. This is where you will find what others are doing or planning to do in 2014 which will help you with your focus on the different channels to use to market your business.

Content Marketing Strategies
Here is a report that will give you an insight into the type of activities that you can focus on when marketing your business in 2014.

Choosing the Right Domain Name
Looking to set up an online presence for your business, start out right with a suitable domain name. Be it a brick and mortar or wholly online business, the right domain name makes it easier for your website to be found and could potentially put you on the top of search engine results page with […]

Resources – The Quick List
Starting an online business and looking to build a lasting online presence? Here is a quick list of resources that will help you get started. These are tools and services that we use ourselves to build and grow our businesses as well as helping other with theirs.

Do I Need a Blog or a Website?
So, the excitement is palpable. You KNOW now exactly what you want to write or share about with the whole WORLD (if you need help, get your personal copy of I Believe in You workbook), and yet there are just those little niggling questions…
No Light Without Darkness
There can be No Light without Darkness. There is an old Chinese saying that “It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.”
Affirmations – Why and How They Work
Affirmations or personal positive sayings repeated daily have been often used, by the New Age-Positive Thinking community as the prescription to a significant number of issues, ranging from low self esteem, to feelings of lack, to building better relationships and living a more abundant life.