What are Niche Sites
If you have spent some time online finding ways and means to earn money, you would undoubtedly have come across something called Niche Sites.

Fascinating Social Media Statistics from 2013
I love infographics, they present nuggets of information that are quick and easy to absorb. Here is one presented by SpareFoot on the fascinating things happening in the social media sphere in 2013 that anyone thinking of starting their own online business ought to take notice.

What is Blogging
Blogging initially started in the early days of the Internet as what was then known as Web Logging. This was really an online version of a daily diary, or at least that was what it was most commonly used as at the time.

What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing in the online world is akin to what traditionally was a commission-based sale. An affiliate (blogger) would receive an agreed percentage of the sale price from the merchant (retailer/producer/publisher of the product) when a sale is made to a new customer.

Are you ready to work online?
One of the very first considerations of someone beginning to think about working online is what it is that you truly want, is it more time or more money?

How long will it really take to build a decent income working online?
A decent income is something that has to be defined by what you intend to spend your income on.

Can I truly, really, honestly make a living online?
The Answer to the Question of “Can I truly, really, honestly make a living online?”…

Why SHOULDS, shouldn’t be
Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” ~ Shel Silverstein

The Automatic Sliding Door
At a conference recently, I walked right up to an automatic sliding door fully expecting it to open and let me out. But it didn’t.

Why Choosing Again is… Just Like Counting
We so very often live our lives in fear of making mistakes, making wrong decision. We seem to have embedded within ourselves this perception that every single choice we make has to be the absolutely correct one. Perhaps it is the nature of the society we live in, dictated to by achievement exams, seemingly final career […]
Why you still need to MAKE that Cake!
Unlike the title of the post, this post really is not about baking. Neither will it contain a recipe for a cake, far more than that, it contains a story that every person who has ever eaten, cooked or baked may relate to.