Are you ready to work online?
One of the very first considerations of someone beginning to think about working online is what it is that you truly want, is it more time or more money?
Although almost all of us, believe that we want more money in order to live a better lifestyle, the reality is we have all been sold a mistaken conclusion that we truly need more money to live a better life.
The fact is, we believe that having more money, leads to a better lifestyle with more time. The reality is, when we get on that hamster wheel and start working towards a bigger, greater income, we find that the wheel keeps spinning faster and it becomes harder to step off, and step away objectively.
Most people who have chosen to build an online income, do so for the freedom of time that it allows and the ability to do something that they enjoy. The financial rewards become secondary to lifestyle choices.
If this makes sense, then you’ve come to the right place.
If you cannot understand this, and cannot believe that anyone would want to live this way, then it is highly likely that you are more comfortable in your 9-5 job with an assured income. Do know, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Whichever the choice is that makes you happiest, is the correct choice for you.